Commercial opportunities

Enfield is a wonderful London borough with vast green open spaces, vibrant town centres, diverse character and excellent transport links. Enfield Council's priorities include an economy that works for everyone, as well as strong, healthy and safe communities.

Commercial opportunities to engage businesses of all sizes within the borough will be advertised on this page – all with the goal to increase the enrichment and opportunity for our residents. Whether this be in our clean and green spaces, or within our cultural venues in the borough, we are committed to providing the best parks, leisure and culture opportunities for our communities.

Event and activity opportunities

Dugdale Arts Centre

Tables and chairs in Dugdale Centre

Enfield Council presents this wonderful opportunity for event organisers, local businesses and food creators!

To support culture activities, and all our community foodies, we are seeking proposals for events, activities and food residencies at The Dugdale Arts Centre.

The Dugdale Arts Centre, located in the heart of Enfield, is a cultural hub for the community. Hosting high quality shows, including stand up comedy, musical theatre and family shows, as well as regular programming such as educational workshops for children, choir groups and gaming fun.

A choice of spaces available, including a full black box theatre, tiered seating area, and a full commercial kitchen with restaurant space.

For further information and how to apply, view the Dugdale Arts Centre pop-up brochure (PDF, 2110.94 KB).

Food and beverage opportunities

Food and beverage pop-ups and concessions

Man serving from a mobile food concession with queue of customers

Calling all food and beverage pop-ups and mobile concessions.

Enfield Council is on the lookout for business foodies.

Whether you're a seasoned culinary expert or a fresh face wanting to make yourself known, we would like to hear from you. Let us know if you’d like to be involved in Enfield’s food scene.

For further information and how to apply, view the Food and beverage pop-ups brochure (PDF, 633.64 KB).

Former pitch and putt kiosk in Jubilee Park

Entrance gate of Jubilee Park

Enfield Council is looking for experienced people or organisations to run a food and drink service in an existing building that needs some investment, and either conversion or replacement.

All works, including approvals will be at the applicant’s own expense.

Enfield Council reserves the right to cancel this process at any stage for any reason, and may choose not to award if no suitable applications are received.

Providers cannot run more than one park café in the borough, so current tenants of other park cafés should not apply.

View the full details in the Jubilee Park brochure (PDF, 18087.79 KB), including viewing days and how to apply, and the application form for your submission (DOCX, 123.17 KB).

The application submission deadline has been extended to 22 September 2024.

Join our mailing list

If you would be interested in hearing about future opportunities, you can be added to our mailing list for food and beverage opportunities in parks and culture venues.

Mobile concessions

There are a number of mobile concession opportunities throughout Enfield in key locations. To apply, email with your preferred location(s). We would love to hear who you are, what your mobile concession provides and when you would like to operate.

Council properties to let

To view a full list of council properties to let, see our property to let page.

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