Doing business with us

We advertise contracts in line with the contract procedure rules (PDF, 584.28 KB).

The procurement process is based on the value of the property contract to be let:

Number of quotes required for value of property contract
Minimum quotes required Works contract Goods and services contract
up to £25,000
up to £25,000
£25,000 to 500,000
£25,000 to £100,000
Above £500,000 to PCR threshold
Above £100,000 to PCR threshold

For contracts over the Public Contracts 2015 threshold for goods and services (£213,477), and for works (£5,336,937), the council must follow the Public Contracts Regulations (2015). For the purposes of determining contract value for thresholds then the amount must be gross of VAT.

For quotations, officers must get at least one quote from a local supplier where practical.

All quotations and tenders should be let through our e-tendering system. By registering on London Tenders Portal, you will get access to a wide range of opportunities across the public sector.

For more information, see doing business with the council (PDF, 63.35 KB), and our equalities and diversity in procurement supplier guide (PDF, 251.98 KB). Our new sustainable and ethical procurement policy (PDF, 1152.23 KB) sets out how we will deliver Social Value and sustainable and ethical procurement.

For any questions, email

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